This aircraft was delayed due to fog at Perth, and could not depart at its scheduled time of 12:40am, and is seen here parked at Bay 55A. It departed to Kota Kinabalu at 19:20 today.
Photo © Wilson
Malaysia Airlines has announced that it will increase its current once weekly Kota Kinabalu service to twice weekly from 30 October 2013. The service uses Boeing 737-800 aircraft.
The Kota Kinabalu service originally began on 18 January 2011 and operated three times per week, but was axed from 30 January 2012. It then restarted on a once weekly basis from 8 December 2012.
From 30 October 2013, the schedule will be:
WED/SUN MH121 Arr Perth 23:35 / Dep Perth 00:40 on MON/THU