The WA Chapter of the Australian Aerobatics Club is hosting the WA State Aerobatics Competition at Murrayfield (near Mandurah) on 18 and 19 October 2014.
UPDATE: Aircraft will begin arriving from 7:30am Saturday, with pilot briefing at 8:30am and aerobatics start at 9:30am. Flying will continue throughout the day, with a break at midday.
Adam Gibbs, President of the WA Chapter Australian Aerobatics Club advised AviationWA that there will be five categories, based on difficulty (Graduate, Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced, and Unlimited), plus a Cessna 152 trophy for the highest placed Cessna 152 pilot in the Graduate category.
For every category, the pilots must fly a Known aerobatics sequence in a ‘box’ of airspace measuring 1000 metres x 1000 metres x 1000 metres. Participating pilots are provided with the sequence at the start of the calender year, so the pilots have plenty of time to practice for it – hence the term ‘Known’.
Each manoeuvre is given a score out of 10 by judges on the ground, and this is multiplied by a difficulty factor (“K”). Zero scores may be awarded for completely messing up the manoeuvre, flying too low, flying it in the wrong direction, etc. The total score for all the manoeuvres is tallied up along with any penalties and a score for positioning, and the pilot given an overall % score for the sequence.
In the Graduate category, pilots fly this Known twice, and then pilots are ranked on overall score to determine the winner. The current sequence is here: (loop, half cuban, roll-off-the-top, 1-turn spin, stall turn, slow roll, 180 degree steep turn, 270 degree steep turn)
In every category above Graduate, the pilots must also fly a ‘Free’ sequence (a sequence they’ve designed themselves, that meets certain criteria and overall difficulty/K factor) and an ‘Unknown’ sequence (a sequence that is given to pilots the day before, that they cannot practice).
The scores from the Known, Free and Unknown are combined to give an overall percentage, and the contestants are then ranked.
At the end of the competition, there is usually a 4-minute freestyle flight, either a demonstration or an actual competition. This is for the pilots with the highest skill level and is more air-display type flying with tumbles, smoke and noise. The pilots are judged on extra things like creativity, positioning, energy, variety, etc.
The competition is open to any pilot with a General Flying Progress Test (GFPT) and Aerobatics endorsement. For insurance purposes, participating pilots must be at least a State member of the Australian Aerobatics Club, which is only $35 and can be sorted out that morning. If the pilot does not have a low level waiver, they can fly the sequence down to their normal 3000 feet AGL (Above Ground Level) or they can fly down to 1500 feet AGL with a safety pilot aboard who has the appropriate waiver.
There should be plenty of Cessna 152s and a Super Decathlon available, so pilots shouldn’t have any problems getting an aircraft to participate in. There will be a briefing at the start of each day to go over the rules, conditions, procedures, etc.
Adam Gibbs will also be available for coaching from the air or ground, if people want to get into it before the competition.
Any pilots interested in taking part can contact Adam Gibbs mobile: 0439 468 299, or email More details are available on the club’s website, .
Aircraft expected to attend (UPDATED – subject to change) include:
- VH-AAZ American Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon
- VH-NQX American Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon
- VH-BQO Christen Eagle II
- VH-IXN Extra EA-330LX
- VH-NBX Extra EA-300L
- VH-WFX Extra EA-300L
- VH-WMX MXS Technologies MXS
- VH-JKR Stephens Akro Laser 230 “The Joker”
- VH-VSW Vans RV-8A
- …and some Royal Aero Club of WA Cessna 152 Aerobats.

Photo © Keith Anderson.

This aircraft was built in 2011, and registered on 13 December 2011.
Photo © David Eyre

Built 1999 in Germany. Ex D-EXEA, G-EXEA.
Photo © Keith Anderson

The Laser 230 was the predecessor of the Zivko Edge 540, which later gained fame during the Red Bull Air Race series. Built in 1983, ex N388D, ZS-VAC.
Photo © David Eyre

Built in 1995.
Photo © David Eyre

VH-BQO was built by its first owner in Ballarat, Victoria in 1986 and initially registered VH-BOO. The aircraft was sold to a syndicate from Jandakot, comprising brothers Neill and Ted Rear, Peter Yates, and Kevin Bailey. In 1988 Kevin, sponsored by Rabbit Photos, flew VH-BOO in aerobatic displays at all Australian mainland capital cities, as part of Australia’s bicentennial celebrations. On 20 Jan 1989, Peter Yates was flying the Eagle when the original fixed-pitch wooden propeller separated, and he made a perfect forced landed in a paddock 4 miles south of Jandakot. During the 3 months it was out of the sky, it was fitted with a constant speed propeller and the minor damage caused by the prop separation was repaired. CASA had reallocated the registration VH-BOO to another aircraft, so it was registered VH-BQO. In 1995, it was registered to Eagle Magic Pty Ltd.
Photo © David Eyre

Photo © Keith Anderson.

Built in 1979, ex N4621A. Taking off from runway 06L.
Photo © David Eyre