29 March 2025

31 thoughts on “Emirates Airbus A380 services to Perth from 1 May 2015

  1. I am booked to fly Emirates from Perth to London on the 28th April 2015 but would put off going until May if what i have been told by my Travel Agent that the A380 service would be starting early May 2015 from Perth.

  2. Hello David…. Andy updated news on the Emirates A380 into Perth daily yet? I am booked for January 1st 2015. Regards Andy

  3. Hi David. We are flying to Spain in a months time. Any chance the A380 Emirates services will have commenced from Perth by then? Fingers crossed!!

    1. I doubt that the A380s will have commenced Perth services by then, but the airline is reportedly soon to announce the start date.
      You could try contacting the airline if you wish to confirm.

  4. We are travelling from Perth to Dubai, Fri August 29th – any chance that we might get an A380 by then?

  5. Thanks for your well-informed comment David. We are heading to Europe for Christmas, so will book EK420/421 on the hope of conversion to A380.

  6. Hi Dave, the latest I heard was that Emirates replacing the 777-300ER with the 777-200LR who has less seats and I think it be very unlikely we ever will see a A380 here in Perth in the near future

    1. Not quite correct – they are only replacing a few (not all) of the EK424/425 early morning services with 777-200LRs for a limited period. All other services will continue to use 777-300ER.
      Emirates has repeatedly said that it will use A380s to Perth. There have been delays due to Perth Airport redevelopments in the international terminal departures and arrivals areas. The airline wants these to be fully completed before it starts using A380s to Perth. They usually keep things quiet in the media in order to be able to do a full public launch, so we won’t know for sure until they are ready to start.
      David Eyre

    1. Hi Shane,
      That was a Sydney to Dubai flight which was diverted to Perth due to an ill passenger.
      A380s do not yet operate scheduled services to Perth.
      David Eyre

  7. Any info regarding EK introduction of the A380 into Perth ,have travel plans for August hoping the A380 is here by then

    1. Hi Ken,
      Quoted from an article on news website WA Today, dated 23 June 2014:

      An Emirates spokeswoman declined to say whether the airline still planned to bring an A380 to Perth.
      “Emirates is continually in dialogue with airports around the world and is always assessing its operations, however there is nothing to announce at this stage regarding the possibility of operating an A380 to Perth,” she said.

      David Eyre

  8. Interesting comment by Steve re the Qantas A380 for domestic services however the Perth domestic terminal is not setup for A380’s. Would have to go through the international terminal? Would welcome it with open arms but unfortunately couldn’t see it happening…….

    1. No official updates on the start date, but inside sources are now saying that July 2014 is the likely start date. Subject to change, of course.

      David Eyre

  9. And the tiniest whisper that QF might actually use the A380 for selected Per-Syd, Per Mel and Per BNE flights, a-la B747-400.
    Maybe not as a regular fixture but when loadings warrant the extra capacity.
    Hopefully they won’t sell off any A380’s at all.

  10. My parents visit us in Perth from the UK and always fly Emirates. They can fly the Airbus A380 from Manchester to Dubai, 7 hour flight fantastic – Dubai – Perth , the longest leg of the trip at just on11 hours is only on the 777, and it’s getting too much for them. Roll on the 380 flying into Perth, they will be stoked !!!

    1. Hi Cath,
      The latest info I have is that it will be July 2014 at the earliest before Emirates introduce the A380 onto Perth services.
      However, these things are always subject to change.
      David Eyre

  11. My wife and I want to go to Greece, but we won’t go until we can fly the A380 business class out of Perth, please let us know if you hear any news.

  12. Hi David,
    Any further updates you know of regarding Emirates’ a380 & Perth?
    Wonder if they will have it servicing the Perth route for the June/July rush

    1. Hi Yianni,
      No further information available yet – sorry.
      Will keep this page updated as soon as we hear anything.
      David Eyre

  13. Just saw a Emirates A380 on approach from the north. Does that mean they have started or is it a diverted flight?

  14. Hi David
    Is it possible that EK will delay the introduction of the A380 to Perth until the Dubai runway works start on the 1st May and EK reduce from three 777 300ER flights a day to two flights a day until the end of July. The A380 will enable them to minimize the loss of capacity by the forced reduction of the 777 schedule

    1. Hi Ian,
      It is a possibility that various people have considered, as well as the completion of the Emirates Business Lounge at Perth Airport being a factor in the delayed start to A380 services.
      We will have to wait until something is announced.

    1. Hi Andy,
      As always, schedules are subject to change.
      Although Emirates requested A380 slot allocations from 29 March 2014, it is not showing A380s on its booking system and I have checked through to the end of October 2014. There is still the possibility that A380 services will start before then. Sorry!
      David Eyre

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