22 January 2025

6 thoughts on “City of Perth approves floating helipads trial on Swan River

  1. I wish you guys all the best with the Floating pads. I was lucky to work in Perth in the mid-late ninety’s and use the old city pad on a number of jobs. Perth is a great city and the ability to pick up or drop off folks on it’s door step was a great selling point. I can remember the WRC days with the nights race around the purpose built track. All the VIP’s loved the helipad on the river……. Best of luck with the venture Brett. As I now live oversea a trip to Perth must be due…….

  2. Hi Adrian,

    the graphic is for visual purposes only and is not to scale.

    As for access it will be secured by a security gate on the shoreline and only accessible to the pilots of aircraft and their passengers.

      1. Hi Beth, well the State Government have approved both proposals and are now making the two companies go through a Request for Proposal. This has been an unexpected process from the DPaW and Minister for Environment so there’s going to be longer, unexpected delays. I wouldn’t expect the WA State Government to make a decision for the next 12 to 18 months.

        With the State election coming up next year, we can only expect further delays.

        We’ve tried very hard to request answers and a progress report but we keep getting sidelined by these various State Government departments.

  3. There seems to be a design floor with the ramps putting peoples heads at risk for a prop strike. Given the floating nature this head clearance would vary tide to tide. The up ramp leaves little clearance. How do they intend keeping people away from the landing or taking off helicopter. Asics cards?

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