27 June 2015 © David Eyre
Perth Airport today opened the recently lengthened Taxiway Charlie.
Taxiway Charlie is located to the east of and parallel with runway 03/21. It was extended at the south end, and now joins to the threshold of runway 03 via a new taxiway ‘Charlie 11’.
Previously, taxiway C ended about one-third of the distance from the threshold of runway 03, requiring some aircraft to either take off at the intersection of Taxiway L or cross the runway on taxiway Lima to then proceed down the western side of the runway on taxiway Alpha to the south end for take-off. This caused some delays and safety issues, as aircraft had to cross the active runway.
The extension of taxiway Charlie will reduce taxying time by 20 per cent.
Spectators at the Perth Airport Viewing Area will be a little disappointed that less aircraft will taxy immediately in front of the viewing area, but it provides some different viewing angles for aircraft photography.
Existing taxiways are to be renamed as follows:
- ‘Taxiway Kilo’ will be renamed ‘Taxiway Alpha 7’.
- ‘Taxiway Lima 1’ will be renamed ‘Taxiway Alpha 9’.
- ‘Taxiway Lima 2’ will be renamed ‘Taxiway Charlie 9’.
- ‘Taxiway Mike’ will be renamed ‘TaxiwayAlpha 11’.