17 March 2025

3 thoughts on “Regional Express (Rex) to take over Perth-Canarvon-Monkey Mia services from 1 July 2018

  1. Does anyone know if the flight times will be the same as with Skippers? As in will there be flights from Perth to Carnarvon on Saturdays?

    1. Would love to know too. I called Rex, they can’t release any details as they have not signed contract yet (as at 1 Feb). They are apparently still in negotiations with the government, so the frequency and schedule is not yet settled. They will be notifying me by email when details are released.
      Suggest you request the same from their Corporate Communications Officer:
      Jessica Makarewitsch
      Ph 13 17 13

      1. Rex schedules have been released and they will start taking bookings from 1 March 2018.

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