29 March 2025

1 thought on “Perth Airport and Qantas legal battle continues

  1. QANTAS just needs to pay up like every other airline, it was just ridiculous to the extreme to even allow QF to operate any international services from T3. T1 is for international services, no other airport in Australia allows QF to operate from a domestic terminal, so why should Perth have to.
    Unfortunately, the previous state government went on the side of QF when it came to the request to allow international services from T3, so shame on the previous government for that and with it a shed load of tax payers money to held fund the alterations to T3. The Perth airport board was forced, actually bullied, into letting QF use T3 for its LHR and SIN services.
    It is just absolute garbage for QF to say that Perth airport is holding up their plans for expansion, there is plenty of room over at T1 to accommodate them, particularly now as ETIHAD has gone and EK just the one evening service.
    It was just nonsense in the extreme to say they needed to operate out of T3 for ”the masses of interstate QF passengers who were transferring to the LHR and SIN services.”
    Its worth bearing in mind that two other major airports are owed huge amounts for landing fees by QF, so Mr Joyce, ”Just pay your bills” and stop telling fibs about PER stopping your expansion plans.
    I hope PER management stick to their guns here and make QF pay.
    When VIRGIN moved across from T3 to their new wing attached to T1, QF should have been made to do the same, then all this agro and nonsense would have been avoided.
    Although QF is the largest operator out of PER, it still doesnt give them the right not to pay their fees and charges, common sense needs to come to the fore here, or replace Joyce with someone with a fair sense of responsibility.

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