VH-FKG Fokker 100 (MSN 11366) of Alliance Airlines, passing Perth Airport Viewing Area, at Perth Airport – Thu 3 April 2014. Flight QQ737 to Karratha, callsign ‘UNITY 737’, taking off runway 21 at 14:59. As this was an intersection departure, the aircraft lifted further down runway 21, so it passed the Perth Airport Viewing Area (near the threshold of Runway 03) lower than usual, as seen here. Photo © David Eyre

16 September 2020 © David Eyre
The Perth Airport Public Viewing Area on Dunreath Drive has re-opened today, after being closed for nearly six months due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which brought social distancing restrictions and drastically affected Perth Airport’s staffing and operations.
The Viewing Area and the Terminal 1 Observation Deck were closed on 25 March 2020. Although the Dunreath Drive Viewing Area is re-opened, the T1 Observation Deck remains closed until further notice.