Artist impression of the new $10 million heliport at Royal Perth Hospital (RPH).

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson and Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson today opened Royal Perth Hospital’s (RPH) new 788 square metre $10 million heliport.
The new heliport will allow the next-generation Emergency Rescue Helicopter Service (ERHS) to access RPH – ensuring sick and injured patients get to the hospital quicker from even further locations throughout the vast regions of Western Australia.
The upgrade was also required to meet Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations and accommodate future heavier helicopters which may be engaged in emergency situations.
The new heliport is designed to support the static and dynamic loads generated by helicopters upon take-off and landing, with a maximum static safe working limit of up to 12 tonnes.

As home to the State Major Trauma Centre and State Spinal Service, RPH typically receives 73 per cent of the State’s trauma patients – over 300 ERHS helicopter patients per year – from as far as Albany in the South to Dongara in the North.
On the 25 May 2022, the Western Australian Government announced $26.7 million for an upgrade of the ERHS that will deliver three Leonardo AW139 helicopters with increased range and enhanced technology through provider CHC Helicopters. The new fleet will be online and ready to assist WA communities from late 2023.
The new heliport will also have the capability to land other aircraft, including Blackhawk and Seahawk helicopters, if required, in State emergencies.
Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said “This new heliport and its ability to take the new rescue helicopters is a real game changer in terms of being able to get patients to hospital quicker.
“About 30 per cent of WA’s road trauma comes from country areas, so every minute makes a big difference.

The previous helipad was located on a roof between two buildings, limiting approach paths to two directions and it could not support the weight of faster, heavier helicopters.