B-KQU Boeing 777-367ER of Cathay Pacific Airways at Perth Airport, Western Australia - 31 October 2023. **Change of type - Boeing 777-300ER replacing Airbus A350-900/1000 on Hong Kong - Perth services** Flight CX171 from Hong Kong on approach to runway 21 at 10:37pm. The Boeing 777-300ER replaces the Airbus A350 previously used on this service. Photo © Nick Stubbs-Ross

Cathay Pacific today (31 October 2023) commenced using Boeing 777-300ER aircraft on Hong Kong / Perth services (CX171 / CX170), with B-KQU operating the first one tonight.
Previously, Cathay used Airbus A350-900 and A350-1000 aircraft on the route. A350-1000 B-LXN operated the final A350 service on 28 October 2023.
While the A350 is more popular with passengers for its quieter cabin, comfort and technology, in one of its configurations the 777-300ER has more seats.