26 March 2025

About AAWA

Aviation Association of Western Australia Inc. (AAWA)

There’s excitement associated with aircraft that creates enthusiasm.

AAWA members have a wide range of aviation interests and backgrounds, but we share a common passion for all things aviation. Our Association is about camaraderie, dedication, recording history and sharing our love of aviation with others.

Founded in 2010 in Perth, Western Australia, the Aviation Association of WA Inc (AAWA) is a group of aviation enthusiasts who promote interest in aviation within Western Australia. It become the largest group of its kind in Western Australia, with around 70 paying members as at 2022. AAWA is a non-profit, incorporated association, with a democratically-elected committee.

We established AviationWA (www.AviationWA.org.au), the first website dedicated to aviation in Western Australia, which we use to share aviation photos and information. We would appreciate any constructive feedback that you may have about our website. We also have a Facebook group (AviationWA) and a YouTube channel.

AAWA has established a broad network of aviation contacts at Perth Airport, Jandakot Airport, Royal Aero Club of WA, Sport Aircraft Builders Club, airlines, aviation training organisations, and other groups and individuals involved with aviation. AAWA is an active advocate for aviation enthusiasts, providing input on issues such as spectator facilities at airports, airside access and aviation education.

** Please note that currently we are not taking on new members **

AAWA Committee

The democratically-elected Committee of AAWA is as follows for 2021-2022:

President David Eyre
Vice President Keith Anderson
Treasurer Ian Moy
Secretary Matt Hayes
Committee Officer Michael Foss

Contact us: aviationwa(at)gmail.com

© 2022

39 thoughts on “About AAWA

  1. Hi – a bit of a long shot I know but if you don’t ask… I lived in Perth for a few years (2002-2007). In 2003 there was a ‘centenary cavalcade of flight’ (13-Dec-2003) with a fly-past of lots of aircraft along the river/foreshore. I have been trying to find a log of the aircraft that took place during that event – partly for my spotter records but mostly to try and identify aircraft in old photo’s I have from the day.

    If anybody knows where I might find such a log I’d really appreciate it. Similarly logs for the air show/fly past elements of the Australia Day events before the Skyshow fireworks in 2003 and 2004 would be appreciated.

    Many Thanks


    1. HI Mike

      I flew VH EDO a Pioer aerostar 601P on that day.
      There was the Aeroclubs 310 with us and Cary Kailis flew his Baron in a three ship lfight of twins.


  2. Hi there

    I recently visited Jandakot and saw what I believe is some sort of Cessna 208 variant – ZS-APB.
    Can anyone provide ownership and c/n details?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Mark,
      It is formerly VH-UTJ Cessna 208B Grand Caravan (MSN 208B2305), cancelled 9 Oct 2017 as sold in South Africa. Was previously operated by UTS Aviation Pty Ltd, owned by Geotech Airborne Pty Ltd. Don’t know who current owner is.

  3. Airbus A400m Atlas, had, before Avalon, been in New Zealand for the RNZAF birthday celebrations.

  4. Hi Aviation WA,

    I am a young aviation enthusiast and I can’t wait until I am 14. I love the new website look. It looks a lot nicer than the other one. It is also easier to navigate. Very well done!!


    1. Thanks Oliver for your kind compliment.
      We chose a format which would work better across computers, tablets and smartphones and it has some other great features.

  5. Hello David

    Will you be preparing an article based on the additional services from Perth-Singapore in Summer as well as the 2nd daily A380 service?
    That would be appreciated.

  6. Hi There,
    I am a plane spotter and I’m 14 years old and I love your website. I use it all the time to see what special planes landed at Perth and when they are coming.
    All of your photos are that of great quality.
    Thanks everyone and keep up the awesome content

    1. Also I am really wanting to see some cargo aircraft eg 747-8i or MD – 11 at Perth but I don’t know when they come. This is because they do not show up on Flightradar24s arrivals and departures list. So if you would mind helping me out with finding times that would be great

      I did happen to be at Perth while a TOLL 737-400F arrived ?
      Plane Spotting Perth

      1. Regular freighters are the Toll Boeing 737-300F and -400F, and the 737-300F of Qantas Freight.
        We have occasional visits by Boeing 747-400F of Singapore Airlines and Atlas Air.
        Less frequent visits are made by Antonov An-124. We recently had an IL-76 visit.
        We don’t have any regular services by 747-8F or MD-11F.

  7. Hi David,

    Are there any websites that you would recommend to see cargo flights coming to Perth Airport.


    Oliver Freeman

  8. Hi David

    Is it likely that the Cat III enhancements to the Perth Airport ILS would have averted the landing (and takeoff?) problems encountered during the fog occurrences on June 14th and 15th 2016?



    1. Currently, Perth Airport is rated as Category I, which allows landings with visibility down to 800 metres and take-offs at 550 metres (or 350 metres with CASA exemption).

      Category III enables landings with visibility down to 50 metres and take-offs with visibility at 125 metres. Perth’s Category III lighting has not yet been commissioned.

      Category III does not prevent weather-related diversions, but it does reduce them. However, the number of movements per hour is reduced when Low Visibility Operations are in place, so there is still a risk of delays.

      I read that the visibility this morning (15 June 2016) was 140 metres, so Cat III lighting would have helped avoid diversions.

      Singapore Airlines flight SQ225 from Singapore to Perth had to divert to Adelaide, refuel and then fly to Perth, arriving at 12pm, instead of 5am. AirAsia X flight D7236 from Kuala Lumpur had to hold off the WA coast for nearly an hour until the visibility improved, before it could land at Perth.

  9. Dear David,

    I am a young aviation enthusiast and I love your photos.
    Keep up the good work.


  10. Hello, you re pictures are really wonderfull… congrats !!!.
    I am a fan of the waco YMF. Would you have some picture with a view from above of this aircraft ?


  11. Hello

    In September 2015 you advertised vh-kxs as md 500n notar ln089 well its wrong information that aircraft is a hughes md369d belongs to s&c smart Pty Ltd I know because I have flown it

    1. Hi Richy,
      Apologies – the photographer Keith Anderson seems to have looked up the details for the original VH-KXS, which was an MD520N Notar, and converted it to an MD500N, when it is clearly a Hughes 500D (369D)!
      I have corrected the captions now, and thanks for alerting us to that.
      David Eyre

  12. Gday David.

    We had a familiar helicopter to WA appear in Queensland last week with Bell 206 VH-RPK touching down at Rockhampton. I note with interest that this chopper was based in WA for some time as a media helicopter and it was a replacement for ZMN after a crash.

    I find this to be a very fascinating history and am wondering if I may be able to use an image of VH-RPK in its Ch10 colours that I think you captured at its media pad in 2013. I would use the image on a post on the CQ Plane Spotting Blog.

    Of course, full credit will be given to you and to the website.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Cheers mate
    Damian F
    CQ Plane Spotting Blog

      1. MFT does not have a PA34 Seneca on line. The Seneca II is a better machine with higher hp engines even if turbo charged,


  13. Dear,

    As I recently opened a group page for aviation professionals on LinkedIn, I would like to ask you permission to post your news articles in my group. As this is a fresh initiative and as I am fairly new to this process, I thought it would be a good and polite way to ask you.
    Furthermore I want to congratulate on the great website containing interesting and well-written articles.

    Thanks for your reply,
    Kind Regards,
    Ken Arts

    1. Hi Ken,

      You are welcome to include links in LinkedIn, linking to news articles on the AviationWA website.

      However, please do not copy and paste articles from the AviationWA website.


  14. Hallo: David

    I am an Fokker airliners fan and i preparing an website about this aircraft as an non profit website.
    Can i have your permission to use your photos on AAWA on this website with your name under the photo as copyright .
    Please mail me your answer
    The Site is under construction see http://www.fokkerairliners.nl

    Thank you

    Greetings: Krijn Oostlander

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