25 March 2025

RAAF Association of WA Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek

© 2015 David Eyre

Registration or Serial Make & Model Manufacturer’s Construction Number Comments & Photo/History Links
VH-KAV Auster J/5 Adventurer 2894 VH-KAV_thumbFor more photos – CLICK HERE
VH-WAC Avro 652 Anson I ? VH-WAC Anson I nose section“The Islander”. Cockpit section only. For more photos – CLICK HERE
W2121 Avro 652 Anson I ? W2121 Anson I For more photos – CLICK HERE
NX622 / JO-D Avro 683 Lancaster B.VII ? NX622 Lancaster B.VIIOne of 17 intact Lancasters worldwide. Painted in 463 Squadron markings, to represent JO-D (D-Dog) which completed 93 raids, and had been crewed on operations by several members of the RAAFA WA. For more photos – CLICK HERE
Backstrom EPB-1A Flying Plank (glider) ? Backstrom_EPB-1A_Flying_PlankOne of three Planks still in existence in Australia. This one was scratch-built and donated by Mr C K Gentle. For more photos – CLICK HERE
Bede BD-5 ? Bede BD-5This BD-5 has completed a very slow rebuild and restoration since 2004. It is dedicated to Daniel Florusse, a member of the Museum’s Youth Club – his name is painted on the side. The rebuild was paid for by a $7,000 donation in Daniel’s memory by his parents. Some parts (including the nosewheel) are non-original.For photos – CLICK HERE
A2-296 Bell UH-1H Iroquois 13296 Ex US Army serial 72-21597. Delivered to RAAF November 1973 as A2-296.
Served with 35 Squadron and 5 Squadron, RAAF.
Transferred to Army Aviation in December 1989/January 1990. Served with 171 Squadron, 1st Aviation Regiment.
To Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU) at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia, in August 2007. Was to be the last UH-1 flown with an RAAF crew.
Noted 3 Dec 2007 at ARDU, Edinburgh SA.
Flew to Archerfield, Qld. 12 Dec 2007 and placed in storage at Meeandah, QLD. Carried dual Army and RAAF/ARDU titles
Delivered to RAAFA Museum, Bull Creek, WA 29 July 2014. Displayed between the two hangars.
Bensen B-8M (gyrocopter) Bensen B-8M gyrocopterBuilt in 1980 from a kit by Mr J Hahir, a farmer from Perillup, WA. Later passed to garage owners Jim & Lynette Herbert of Tambellup, WA. For photos – CLICK HERE
“G-AUDK” Bristol Tourer Type 86A (replica) G-AUDK_Bristol Tourer 86A replicaThe replica is painted in the markings of Bristol Tourer G-AUDK, which flew with Western Australian Airways. Unskinned on one side, to show internal construction. For detailed aircraft history and photos- CLICK HERE
VH-AIY CAC CA-6 Wackett 265 VH-AIY CAC CA-6 WackettOne of 4 surviving CAC Wackett Trainers. Formerly the personal aircraft of Horrie Miller. For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
“A20-668” (really
CAC CA-16 Wirraway III 1140 A20-688 painted as A20-668 CAC CA-16 Wirraway IIIRestored in silver RAAF paintscheme, but painted in error as “A20-668”. For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
383 (SAAF) Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6 1492 Ex 23702 Royal Canadian Air Force, to Kempton Park Technical Collage, to private owner in Lanseria, South Africa, then to NZ and Australia.Stored dismantled between the two museum hangars. Museum staff indicated that it was perhaps too difficult to restore this aircraft.
Challenge WG362 (gyrocopter) Challenge WG362 gyrocopterBuilt by Challenge in WA, fitted with long-range fuel tanks and operated in Pilbara.
Donated by Dr Noel Plumley in 2006.For photos – CLICK HERE
46624 Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina 1988 46624 PBY-5A CatalinaPainted in US Navy colours.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
A17-161 De Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth DHA162 A17-161 DH-82A Tiger MothPainted in yellow RAAF markings.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
VH-THT De Havilland DH.94 Moth Minor 94076 VH-THT DH-94 Moth MinorFor detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
A79-821 De Havilland DH.115 Vampire T35A 4101 A79-821 Vampire T.35AFor detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
A65-124 Douglas C-47B-45-DK Dakota IV 16960 & 34220 A65-124 Douglas C-47B Dakota IVRAAF colour scheme. The aircraft bears the name “Flagship”.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
A84-230 English Electric (GAF) Canberra B.20 30 A84-230 English Electric (GAF) Canberra B.201955: Built at Fishermen’s Bend, Victoria, under license by the Government Aircraft Factory (GAF).The rear fuselage is actually from Canberra A84-248 and although the maintenance records do not refer to this, A84-248 has the rear fuselage from A84-230.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
Gardan (Sud Aviation) GY-80 Horizon 180 215 VH-CJZ_F-OCLI Gardan GY80 Horizon 180Aircraft modified to allow visitors to experience the operation of the controls of a normal aircraft. It is now painted to represent Robin “Sugar Bird Lady” Miller’s Mooney aircraft, but is not the type she flew regularly. Wears both Australian and French registrations.For detailed aircraft history and photos- CLICK HERE
A8-140 General Dynamics F-111C
(crew module only)
D1-16 Allocated USAF serial 67-0140. First flight 24 December 1968 as A8-140, but was placed into storage and was not delivered to the RAAF until 1 October 1973.
It served with 1 Squadron and 6 Squadron at Amberley, Queensland.
On 24 September 1985, it became the first locally modified F-111C to take the Pave Tack weapons guidance system.
By July 2010, it had been retired and its crew module was removed. The fuselage was stripped of parts and was moved to the disposal area at Amberley by February 2011.
In November 2011, the aircraft was scrapped and its fuselage was buried at Swanbank landfill site near Ipswich, Queensland.
The crew module was initially displayed at the RAAF Amberley Aviation Heritage Centre, but in May 2013 was delivered to the RAAFA Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek, WA.
General Dynamics F-111F
(cockpit procedures trainer)
Noted undergoing restoration at RAAFA Aviation Heritage Museum 9 Mar 2015.
Heath Parasol Model V Heath ParasolAnother rebuild of the aircraft was started (this was still underway in 2010).For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
D-1925 Junkers W.33c3eL J2542 Original float from D-1925Original float only. The cut off section of the float which had been used as a canoe had been abandoned where the two airmen had left it in 1932. It was rediscovered on a field trip by the Western Australian Museum in 1975. Brought back and preserved, it was initially put on display in the Fremantle Maritime Museum, but is now at the Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
Macchi MB-326H CA30-66 A7-066 marked as A7-025 Macchi MB-326HActually A7-066, painted “A7-025” in 25 Sqn markings. Wing from A7-009 used in restoration.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
10-0718 Mignet HM290 Flying Flea ? 10-0718 Mignet HM290 Flying FleaThis was the second Flying Flea that Bob Raper had built.He built the first Flying Flea in Western Australia, a HM.14, which he tested at the West Subiaco airfield in 1936.This modified HM.293 states that it is a HM.290 on the tail.For photos – CLICK HERE
VH-BQR Percival P.34A Proctor III K392 VH-BQR Proctor IIIFor detailed aircraft history – CLICK HERE
VH-HUS Robinson r44 Raven I 1056 Built in 2001. Registered 10 July 2001.
Cancelled 9 July 2010 as damaged in accident.
Tailboom displayed in southern hangar, fuselage stored between the two hangars.
VH-NDT Robinson R22 Alpha 0469 Built in 1985, ex N8559D. Registered as VH-NDT 9 April 1985.
Cancelled 22 May 2009 as crashed.
Tailboom and rotors shortened – used as a travelling exhibit when not at the museum.
Rotorway Scorpion II 12323 Rotorway Scorpion II at RAAFA MuseumTail painted as “Scorpion 133”, but manufacturer’s plate in the cockpit states that it is a Scorpion II.
Built in 1978 by Robert L Wiggs.For photos – CLICK HERE
Santos-Dumont Demoiselle (replica) Built in 1984 by Ansett engineer Frank Matthews at the RAAFA museum at Bull Creek, using measurements and photographs from an earlier Demoiselle replica which the Museum previously held.For detailed aircraft history and larger photo- CLICK HERE
VH-GRE Schneider ES57 Kingfisher III (glider) 42 VH-GRE Schneider ES57 Kingfisher III gliderBuilt 1960.
Was owned for many years by the Clare Soaring Club (now Balaklava Gliding Club) then the Gliding Club of WA.For aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
Sindlinger Hawker Hurricane Replica 26-10663 /
VH-AFW / AF-W Sindlinger Hawker Hurricane Replica5/8th-scale Hawker Hurricane replica, constructed and formerly owned and flown by Arthur Winstanley. For detailed aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
Skycraft Scout Skycraft ScoutThe world’s first commercially available ultralight, designed in Australia by Ron Wheeler in the early 1970s. For detailed aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
Slingsby Gull Glider Slingsby Gull gliderThis Slingsby Gull glider was imported into Australia in 1939 for the University of Sydney’s Soaring Club. It was the first high performance glider imported into Australia, and the first to carry out a flight of more than 100 miles. For detailed aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
“M6394 / F” Sopwith F.1 Camel (replica) M6394_F Sopwith F1 Camel replica3/4 scale non-flying replica, built in the mid 1980s by Ansett engineer Frank Matthews, of Maddington, WA. For detailed aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
“TB592 / NI-V” Supermarine Spitfire LF.XIVe (replica) TB592 / NI-V Spitfire LF.XIVe replicaAcquired from New Zealand in August 1985. .
Painted to represent TB592 of 451 Squadron, RAAF. 451 Sqn only used the code letters ‘NI’ from December 1945 to their disbandment on 21 January 1946, but the real TB592 only served with 451 Sqn from 7 March 1945 to 14 June 1945, so these markings are technically inaccurate. For aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
PK481 Supermarine Spitfire F.22 CBAF.70 PK481 Spitfire F22 at RAAFA MuseumFor detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
?? (unidentified ultralight)
Terrier Sandhawk rocket (replica) Terrier-Sandhawk rocket replica on genuine launcherGenuine launcher with replica Terrier – Sandhawk rocket. For detailed history and larger photo – CLICK HERE

Aircraft formerly on display or stored by the Museum:

Registration or Serial Make & Model Manufacturer’s Construction Number Comments & Photo/History Links
A68-71 CAC CA-17 Mustang Mk.20 1396 Detailed history: CLICK HERE
VH-CJS De Havilland DH.114 Heron 1 10903 VH-CJS Heron prototypePrototype De Havilland Heron.Was stored outdoors between the museum buildings due to insufficient space and funding. Advertised for sale in 2010 at $20,000.Sold to International Airliners Museum, and moved to Hallam in Victoria. Unfortunately the owner of that collection Mr Floor (Hans) Toet passed away in late 2012 and the Heron was again at risk of being scrapped.The aircraft was then acquired privately and placed on long-term loan with the Australian Aircraft Restoration Group (which trades as Australian National Aviation Museum) at Moorabbin Airport, Victoria. It was delivered to the Museum in late June 2013. The museum also has a Heron Series 2 (Riley conversion).AARG noted that the interior is stripped and the cabin windows need replacing, but the four DH Gipsy Queen Mk 30 engines are restorable, and they intend to bring one of these to running condition. It is intended to externally restore the Prototype Heron and put it on display in their Grange Road compound, to act as a promotional display for the museum, where it will be viewable, but not accessible to the public.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
Fokker Dr.I Triplane (replica) The aircraft was a 9/10th scale replica
“D-1925” Junkers W.33c replica "D-1925" "Atlantis" Junkers W33c replica at the RAAFA Museum in 1987Non-flying replica of D-1925 built for the ABC TV miniseries “Flight Into Hell”, which told the survival story of Hans Bertram and Adolf Klausmann. After filming in 1985, it was donated to the RAAF Association Museum. To make room for the Catalina in early 2007, the Junkers replica was dismantled and stored outside, and offered for sale. Sold to the Australian Aviation Museum and transported in October 2008 from Bull Creek to Camden Airport, NSW in two large shipping containers.Detailed history and photos: CLICK HERE
VH-AJH Kingsford-Smith KS-3 Cropmaster (converted CAC CA-6 Wackett) 283 Detailed history and photos: CLICK HERE
A70-3 Martin PBM-3R Mariner 2999 A70-3 Martin PBM-3R Mariner converted to caravanNose and cockpit section only, converted to a caravan, known as the “Maravan”.For detailed aircraft history and photos – CLICK HERE
VH-BOB Miles M.65 Gemini 1A 6522
VH-GBB Miles M.65 Gemini 1A 6486
Ranford Man-powered Aircraft “Australian Maid II” Detailed history: CLICK HERE
Sadleir VX-3 Vertical Lift Research Vehicle Sadleir VTOL Aircraft VX-3Built by Sadleir VTOL Aircraft Co. Pty. Ltd of Winthrop, WA. Sadleir VTOL Aircraft Co Pty Ltd was formed in 1990 to develop fast VTOL aircraft technology developed from 1986 onwards by inventor and company founder Kim Sadleir.Development involved construction of six models and three-full scale test rigs. The VX-3 was the largest of the test rigs, built to prove the vertical lifting concept. It was preserved at the museum in 2007, but scrapped in 2010. For aircraft history & photos – CLICK HERE
Santos-Dumont Demoiselle
(replica 1)
VH-BOA Transavia PL-12 Airtruk G460 Received by the museum in mid 1980. Some restoration work was carried out on the machine, but later ceased. The Beverley Aeronautical Museum took the aircraft on long-term loan basis, conditional upon the machine being restored to display condition within a specified period. Trucked to Beverley on 23 July 1982. PHOTOS: CLICK HERE
A27-247 Vultee A-35A Vengeance IIa This particular aircraft is a composite machine, comprising components from a number of RAAF Vengeance aircraft. The largest section of the aircraft, the rear fuselage is from aircraft serial A27-247.
Winton Grasshopper Donated to the RAAF Association Aviation Museum, and rebuilt to static display condition. To make room for the Catalina, in 2008 the Grasshopper was sold to Greg Ackman for donation to the Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra, QLD. On 17 July 2008 it arrived at the QAM by road. PHOTOS: CLICK HERE

© 2013 David Eyre

9 thoughts on “RAAF Association of WA Aviation Heritage Museum, Bull Creek

  1. Hello, I have located an Avro Anson Pilots seat – it is in very poor condition – however would be suitable for creating a new seat if you need it… it was found on a farm in Duranilling, WA

  2. I would like to purchase a RAAF Roulettes Aerobatic Team cap but cannot find one online – can you please provide me with a price and availability on this?

  3. Hello I’m a local of Southern Cross and am currently grading the emu fence road next to the Vultee Vengeance crash site. I found the whole thing very interesting a wonder if you could send me a picture of what is left of the vultee vengeance
    Regards Adam Della Bosca

    1. Adam, did you get a response from anyone here ?I’m pretty sure that the only remaining part of that plane was the motor. The rest decintergrated on impact.

  4. I am a Committee member for the Air Training Corps/Air Force Cadets Diamond Jubilee Book “75 years aloft”.
    We are seeking information on the locations of all ATC/AIRTC/AAFC Link Trainers.
    I have been advised that your Museum has received 2 units from the AAFC in WA.
    I would be interested in finding out the serial numbers of the units concerned.

    Best Regards
    John R Currie


    Air Training Corps Branch RAAFA,

    Benalla Aviation Museum, and

    Committee for the Diamond Jubilee Book

    75 Years Aloft

    Tel: 03 5777 3237

    Mobile: 0429 993237

    Email: john.currie@dhl.com

    1. Hi John,

      The Aviation Association of WA Inc is not affiliated with the RAAF Association’s Aviation Heritage Museum at Bull Creek.

      I believe that they do have a Link Trainer, but we do not track serial numbers for simulators on our website.

      If you wish to contact the museum directly, their telephone number is (08) 9311 4470 – I am sure they would be happy to assist you.

      Kind Regards,

      David Eyre
      Aviation Association of WA

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