Rome, 01 June 2022: Leonardo announced that CHC Australia has ordered three new Leonardo AW139 helicopters, under contract to the State of Western Australia, for Western Australia’s Emergency Rescue...
CHC Helicopters
18 August 2019 © David Eyre CHC Helicopter commenced a five-year contract in July 2019, providing Woodside, Jadestone Energy, Vermilion Energy and BHP with passenger transfer flights, medical evacuation...
7 July 2014 Shell Australia has launched a dedicated search and rescue (SAR) helicopter service at Broome, operated by CHC Helicopters with an Airbus Helicopters EC225. The SAR service...
29 March 2011: CHC Helicopters has won the lucrative Woodside Energy offshore helicopter services contract, serving the North-West Shelf oil and gas platforms. CHC will use four 19-seat Eurocopter...